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PrologueThere are some incidents in your life which give you a good laugh every time you remember them. This is one of such incidents.
One time I and my dad were running errands and on the way home he entered a pharmacy. I was glued on my phone scrolling feeds so I chose to remain near the entrance while he gets whatever he wanted.
Dad - “Bhai, ek I-pill dena  
Translation - Give an I-pill please
I had a mind freeze moment then and there. Hundreds of thoughts started pouring in my mind and it became a supercomputer trying to figure out why my 56 year old dad needed an I-pill.
For all of you who do not know what an I-pill is, its an emergency contraceptive pill.

I started regretting my decision to accompany him that day and I could totally see the pharmacist judging him secretly. Amidst all this I was cursing Big-Bang for my existence and wondering why did the earth not end in 2012. The pharmacist gave a give glance towards me and I pretended as if I do not even know my dad and luckily I chose to be near entrance and not beside him so it was bit easy to do so.
I-pills were kept in the shelf behind and I was praying that the pharmacist does not go there and hoping that maybe...maybe my father had said something else and I have misheard it all. Instead of advancing to the shelf behind him, the pharmacist ran his hands somewhere under the counter and I gave a sigh of relief. My relief was very short lived as he produced a pack of I-pill out in his hand. I wished I could vanish in thin air or could go back in time and not go with him that day.
Guys my dad had said many things I feel good about and many things I am proud of but if you ask me which one tops the list, it has to be this one
Dad - “Eye cool chahiye , I-pill nahi”

Translation - I want an Eye cool not I-pill.

The pharmacist and my dad shared a laugh and dad came to me with the eye drops. I, obviously suppressing my emotions and pretending to be unaware of what happened, asked him why they were laughing.
Dad - He was giving me an I-pill instead of Eye cool.
Me - *laughs* He must have mistaken you for a college kid, see I told you removing mustache would make you look younger.
*Both left the shop laughing together*
And this my friend is my "one time my dad … " story.


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