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Come near to me
I have something to say
The things which have caused me all the dismay
The things you so bluntly deny
Things which are as clear as the morning sky

Come near to me
while I pull you closer and ask
About the reason of your actions
And the false glory you bask

Come near to me
while I place my hands on your smooth neck
And hover my fingers where you got the love peck
And see in your eyes and see if you still can lie
About all that was happening behind my sight

Come near to me
So that I can smack your disgusting lips,
 as hard as I can
Cause you know no emotions ...and just need any man
For you are damaged and can never heal
And snatching others' happiness fuels your zeal

Come near to me
So that I can place my hands around your neck so divine
And free you from this disgusting life will soon be all fine
And let my anger lower while you gasp for air
And struggling for life while the end is near

I will come near you
As you lay on the ground devoid of any cries
And brush my hands on your face closing those beautiful brown eyes
Then remove the scattered strands from your face so fine
Place them behind your ears the way you did it every time

I will remain there
Looking at you for some more time
Wondering how a beast could be trapped in a beauty so fine
Then move closer to your forehead and plant a kiss
And whisper in ur ear "see, I told you I am gonna fix all of this".


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